Ever wonder what bed bug sex looks like?
Bed Begs are one of a very few species on earth to mate using Traumatic Insemination. Traumatic Insemination is a form of mating that involves the male bed bug piercing the abdomen of the female bed bug with his genitals and injecting semen through the wound. This form of mating is considered the most painful and brutal amongst the insect and animal kingdom.

Bed Bugs Mating Through Traumatic Insemination. Copyright : Dr.Richard Naylor, The Bed Bug Foundation.
Once the semen is deposited in the abdomen it enters the hemolymph. Here is reaches the female bed bugs ovaries and results in fertilization. Female bed bugs will lay on average 5 to 12 eggs in one day which results in roughly 300-500 eggs in her whole life. If you would like to see high resolution photos of bed bug eggs visit What Do Bed Bug Eggs Look Like?
Bed Bug Mating Video
Here is a video by Discover Channel showcasing the private and sometimes very disturbing lives of bed bugs.
High Quality Photos Of Bed Bug Mating
Below is an image of a male bed bug piercing the abdomen of the female bed bug. In many instances the female bed bug will die tue to the severity of the stab wound.

Male Bed Bug Piercing Female Bed Bug in Abdomen. Copyright : Dr.Richard Naylor, The Bed Bug Foundation.
Once the female is pierced by the male during mating, the stab creates an open wound which will cause trauma to the female until the wound heals which takes roughly 1-2 weeks. During this period of time the female bed bug is highly susceptible to infection and death.

High resolution photo of bed bug insemination. Copyright : Dr.Richard Naylor, The Bed Bug Foundation.
This article was written by Bed Bug Exterminator Pro. Address: 1435 Bloor St. W Toronto, ON M6P 3L6 | Phone:(416)566-4079. All bed bug images are credited to Dr.Richard Naylor, The Bed Bug Foundation.